Thursday, 16 September 2010

Law of Attraction tips on how to get your "stuff"

A Tale of Two Countries
There are two countries. Most of us live in Whatis.... and all the stuff we want resides in Happiness. The stuff we want cannot leave Happiness because if it did, it would change form and become the same as the rest of the stuff in Whatis. Happiness is what makes the stuff what it is. So WE have to travel to Happiness to get the stuff in person.

The Routes Between the Two Countries
There are many, many roads between the two countries - all of them one-ways, but there are two main highways leading from Whatis to Happiness, and they are called Unconditional Love and the Happiness Highway itself. Both of these lead directly to Happiness, from Whatis, and are the fastest route there, but there are many minor roads which also lead there, indirectly, along the scenic routes.

Where's My Stuff?
Now, because most people have no idea that all the stuff they've ordered and created is located in Happiness, they spend most of their time searching through Whatis for it. And they often end up getting terribly lost, wandering around the maze of roads. Roads like Worry Crescent, Frustration Way, Impatience Drive, Angry Walk, Depression Avenue, and the many others like them. And when they're not in that maze of roads, they're drifting through Bland Valley without even realising it.

But no matter how long they spend searching through Whatis, no matter how many roads they go down, no matter how determined they are, as long as they stay in Whatis, of course, they're never going to get to their stuff - because it's not there, it's in a completely different country.

Fed Up 
And sometimes, people get fed up, and so they sit on the side of the road and wait for their stuff to come to them. But it can't. If it leaves Happiness, it's different stuff.

What? No Transport?
And everyone has been given the impression that in fact they CAN'T get to Happiness on their own. They can't just go there. They have to wait for their stuff and their stuff will take them there.  But the truth is, their stuff is already there. And not only are they ABLE to go there on their own, but it's really the ONLY WAY to move there. ;)

Following Signs 
Sometimes, in their wanderings, people find themselves on one of the roads to Happiness - sometimes it's one of the main highways, many times it's one of the minor routes.. sometimes it's by accident, sometimes it's on purpose. But because they don't realise that's the ONLY place to find their stuff, they usually turn off onto one of the one-ways leading back to Whatis when they see the signs to Whatis - even though the signs are pointing in the opposite direction to where they want to go. And so they end up on one of the roads leading back to Whatis, like the Disappointment Freeway.

Moving Day
And so they keep ending up back in Whatis. But, once they find out that while they stay in Whatis, they'll never get their stuff because it won't - can't - ever come to them in Whatis, that they have to move to Happiness to get it (they're bound to visit Whatis sometimes of course - vacations and so on ;) ) - THEN they can find the route they prefer, and make the move. And they also then know that when they accidently follow the signs that lead back to Whatis, they can turn around and get back on the right road again, leading towards Happiness, where their stuff waits for them.

Permanent Resident
And once they make the move to Happiness, then at least they're in the right country, and then, while they wander around, sight-seeing in that beautiful place - Fun Alley, Easy Street, the shores of the Fanta Sea, and the peaks of Mt. Laughter, and all the other wonderful experiences Happiness provides - while they're doing that, they're in the right country for THEIR STUFF to FIND THEM! ;)

Go get your stuff! :)
Love and Light and Magic xxx

Monday, 13 September 2010

Why Are Results Taking So Long?

Many people ask for law of attraction tips on why it takes soooo long for their desires to manifest - even when they believe they're doing everything "right". So.....
Today's Question: "Why is it taking so long to see results. Sometimes I think things have changed, but then something happens and it's like I'm back to square one!"

Remember, even when you consciously decide to do something, and consciously change a pattern, the 90% of you that is unconscious (programmed, doesn't think for itself) didn't get the memo yet!!! It takes a while......There's no way of knowing how long it will take for anyone's unconscious to catch up with the conscious decisions. The only time you'll know is when you see some kind of result - then you'll know, ah, more of me has now caught up ; )

But the good news is, it won't be a case of all 90% all the time. Different aspects will change at different times and it will probably be gradual. And it will be different for different changes.

For example, imagine a coffee shop. Every day for the past twenty years, a particular customer has come in at 11am and ordered a black coffee with four sugars. All the staff know him, and he no longer needs to order. As soon as the staff see him, they make a black coffee with four sugars, and serve it to him.

Then one day, he changes his order. When they bring him the coffee, he tells them he no longer wants sugar in it. Now, the next time he comes in, one of two things happen: either, the same staff member serves him, but is so in the habit of putting four sugars in the coffee, she goes ahead and does it automatically and has to be reminded by the customer - no sugar. Or..... a different staff member - who hasn't been told about the change, will automatically make the coffee - black with four sugars.

So, it depends on how many staff members there are, and what kind of communication exists between them. It will also depend on each individual staff member, and their own individual ability to get out of the habit, as to how long it will be before it becomes automatic for the customer to receive a black coffee with NO sugar.

During this transition, he may sometimes get black coffee without sugar, and then get four sugars again. Sometimes he may get two sugars, because the staff member caught herself half-way through putting sugar in, and stopped.

But each time he comes in, he's getting closer to what he wants, because each time he comes in and the coffee is made - even when they accidently put sugar in it, the message is getting more and more ingrained.

And then one day, he'll walk in and his coffee will be automatically served without sugar, and the next day, it will happen again..... and so it will become the norm.

Now.... here's another example - and this explains the difference between the subject matter. Imagine a Railway Junction. There are two workers who control the signals at this railway junction. Both have been doing this for twenty years. Every day for twenty years, two trains come from opposite directions at 4pm. And every day for twenty years, the controller on duty has set the signal for the East-bound train to stop, in order to allow the West-bound train through, before then giving the green signal to the East-bound one.

One day, both controllers receive a message to say there's a new addition to the track, and from now on, you don't need to stop the East-bound train - there is a new track for it.

Now, imagine how long it's going to take for those controllers to trust that new instruction - considering that if it's not true, or if it's an error, the trains will crash and people will be killed.

So in this senario, unlike the coffee shop where it was just a case of everyone getting the message and getting into the new habit - in this senario you've got the Danger element as well!! And THAT will take longer. These controllers may need to receive that message many times before they believe and trust it.

And one of the controllers may be more trusting than the other, so he may one day allow the train through - and that will work fine. But the other controller may not hear about it, so he may continue to hang onto the old instructions for a while longer - "just in case".

But no matter how long it takes, if he continues to get the message, he will eventually trust that it is true and not a mistake, and/or he will hear about the success from the other controller. And he too will then make the change.

We have no idea of what our cells consider "dangerous" - for example, trusting may feel dangerous - that may be the equivilant to some of our cells, of changing the train signals after all these years.

After allllll these years of not trusting, now suddenly they're told they can trust, well it will take a while for that to get through. Whereas, getting into the habit of noticing the good stuff day-to-day would be more like the coffee shop - a habit change.

So the best thing we can do is to remind ourselves that this is what is happening behind the scenes, and to be patient with ourselves. Know that the message is getting through, and that the results will begin to show as each part of you receives, and trusts the message. The more understanding and patient you are, the easier and faster the changes will happen because the less stress, the more effective the changes.

So, if you're seeing erratic results, even though you have been changing your thinking and trying so hard..... remember, around 90% of you didn't get the memo yet - some of that 90% may have got it by now, some of it may need to be reminded a few times, and some of you may just need time to trust that it's safe to think that way. I hope this makes sense. But do let me know if you need more clarity on it.

So, to clarify, the law of attraction tips from today are: Be patient with yourself, remind yourself that the message is still being processed - it takes time to reach all of you, and follow what feels good in the moment - every moment.

Love and Light and Magic xxx

Getting Past Stubborn Negative Beliefs

I've had people ask me before for law of attraction tips on how to deal with beliefs that are so engrained, that seem so real that they have trouble accepting anything new.

Whatever our subconscious is doing (and subconscious beliefs take time and experimenting to change since none of us really knows the cause of any specific subconscious belief - I once knew a man who was terrified of bananas and had no idea why) we DO have control over our conscious thoughts and decisions. And we make a choice to either continue on the same path, or to change at least our conscious thoughts.

An Elephant Never Forgets

Have you ever seen an elephant, staked at a circus ground? Have you ever wondered how that stake holds such a huge, strong animal? Did you know that often, when it's time to move on, the handler tells the elephant to pull the stake, and the animal uses its trunk to pull the stake out of the ground itself!!

So, why doesn't the elephant just pull the stake out any old time he wants to go for a wander?

Because he's been taught that he can't - except for when the handler instructs him to. Isn't that Amazing, looking from our perspective? An animal that big, and that strong, is PHYSICALLY held in place - by a BELIEF!

Now, we, on the outside of that elephant's experience, can see the Truth. The truth is that the elephant is perfectly capable of setting himself free whenever he wants to. But from inside his perspective, he doesn't know that. And his belief is that he is chained and unable to wander off.

If the elephant could speak and reason, he would insist that he has no choice. He would insist that he is unable to walk away. If we said to him, but you can just pull the stake out with your trunk, he would answer "I can't! I can't do that! My whole life this stake has held me here. I believe in this stake, I mean look - it's there! It's in the ground, and my foot is chained to it. You can see it with your own eyes. The handler used a hammer to knock it into the ground. It's obvious I can't just pull it out. It's always held me here!" and he would reason it out. He would defend that belief that he is trapped - because that is his reality.

Now, if the elephant was happy where he was, and his handler was kind to him, and he was well cared for, then we might just look at the situation, and find it interesting, and we wouldn't try and convince the elephant of what we know. And it wouldn't matter what the elephant believes because he's happy.


If the elephant is unhappy, if he feels trapped, or if he is ill-treated, it would be very frustrating trying to convince him that he is capable of ending his suffering if he would only choose to change his belief.

Now the problem is, that there is no way this elephant can know the truth - he's been programmed to believe in the stake. And why should he trust us?

Let's say, another elephant actually did set himself free. And he tries to explain this to the trapped elephant. He says "I did it - it's absolutely possible! The stake is not keeping you trapped, your belief in it is!"

But the trapped elephant says, "But no-one knows that for sure!" The free elephant says, "Hey, that's true, and we'll never know for sure until we become human and we put the stakes in ourselves, but what I do know, is that when I changed my belief in the stake, I pulled it out with my trunk, and now I'm free!"

Then the other elephant has a choice - to find a way to change his beliefs ... or to continue believing in the stake. But the key word here is CHOICE.

He either CHOOSES to change or he CHOOSES to remain the same. Either way he is making his own choice.

He may not know HOW to change his belief, but the minute he TRULY decides that he WILL change his belief.... all manner of information and tools come his way.

Maybe he starts to notice things he didn't before - like the fact that when his handler instructs him to pull the stake out of the ground to go to the water ... he may now become aware of how he does it, whereas before it was automatic. He may notice that when it's been raining and the ground is wet, the stake practically pulls itself out! He may begin to notice that his handler is too weak to push the broken down truck, and gets the elephant to do it - and this time, because of his awareness, he may begin to get a better idea of his own strength.... and so on.

Once he's chosen to change his beliefs, he begins to become open and to notice more.

But if he makes the CHOICE to continue with his current belief just because he believes it at the moment, and because even though he hates his life, the belief makes sense to him... then he will be living in that perspective and he'll never become aware of all the bits of information that make the NEW belief make more sense.

Every single moment of human consciousness is a choice. You can start making the choices that make you feel good! :)

Today's law of attraction tip: Keep reminding yourself that you ALWAYS have a choice - even though it's very difficult at times, it's always a choice. :)

Love and Light and Magic xxx

Law of Attraction Tools - What Works?

I've found that asking which Law of Attraction tips and tools work is like asking which size shoe fits. The fact that each of us is unique - not only in the way we're put together, but in the way we've experienced life so far - means that different methods will work for each of us. And since what we experience in life, from childhood, programs beliefs into us, and no two people have exactly the same experiences - or interpret those experiences in the same way - there is no "one size fits all".

The basis of the Law of Attraction is that you attract what you're a vibrational match for. And you know how you're vibrating by how you're feeling. So the simple bottom line of it is, if you want good stuff, make sure you're feeling good most of the time....

However, that's really difficult to do when we're so influenced by our environment and others around us. We can't help feeling frustrated or worried or angry or devistated when certain things happen. And that is the reason for Law of Attraction tools. That is the only reason. We don't need them in order to change our lives using the Law of Attraction, we can do that by just feeling good most of the time. But most of us need help with that.

Different tools - and even more so, different combinations of tools - work for different people. It's important to remember that if something is working for others and it doesn't work for you, it's not that you're doing something wrong or that the tool doesn't work at all, it's just that you tried on a shoe that wasn't your size. :)

The best way to choose Law of Attraction tools is to go with what feels best for you. Do the research, read the feedback from people who have used it, and then take some time to check how you feel. Take some time out and "wear" the decision - imagine you've chosen to go with that particular tool and see how it feels. Then go with what makes you feel good. Many tools are free, and those that aren't often have free trials or money-back policies, so if finances are tight, take this into account of course.

There are a few examples of Law of Attraction tools below. And in the following posts I'll share a few tips which I hope will help you get the best out of whatever tools you choose.

Love and Light and Magic xxx

Law of Attraction Tools:

The Magic Pill Ebooks
Get your free copies of these little two ebooks (only about 8 pages each, but incredibly powerful). Once you have read The Magic Pill, and are following the law of attraction tips and the thought process in it, you are no longer even capable of creating anything but good in your life. It costs absolutely nothing to see for yourself. Order your free copies here:
The Magic Pill

Reprogramming the Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals:
Millions of instructions delivered directly to the subconscious - in the same language the subconscious uses to communicate with the body, eliminating conscious resistance.
Mind Power Subconscious Programming

Law of Attraction Tips and Coaching from Bob Proctor (from the movie "The Secret"):
"I can help you change your life for the better in six minutes a day"
7 Day Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program

Subliminal Messaging:
Subliminal MP3s on a wide variety of topics

The 11 Forgotten Laws Course:
A series of lecture tracks featuring 11 law of attraction tips by Bob Proctor ("The Secret") about the 11 Forgotten Laws

Laws of the Universe:
"Harness the Hidden Laws of the Universe" - Revolutioniz Course

The Law of Attraction Tips for Money:
Money Beyond Belief Program - Joe Vitale ("The Secret")

Self Improvement from is the most complete guide to information about Self -Improvement, Personal Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with law of attraction tips, articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide Web.